Patricia Lott/Licensed Acupuncturist/Owner
Patricia has over 25 years experience working in health care. She holds a Masters degree from the Traditional Acupuncture Institute, now known as Maryland University of Integrative Health in Laurel, MD. Patricia is licensed by the Maryland State Board of Acupuncture, is certified a Diplomate in Acupuncture by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine(NCCAOM) and is certified by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association(NADA) to offer auricular acupuncture treatment for addiction. At the heart of her acupuncture practice is the strong belief in “body-wisdom”. Every person contains within them the natural ability to heal and be well. Symptoms are signs, unique to each individual, telling us that something is “not right.” Through the use of acupuncture we can restore the natural flow and balance of life energy, Chi, to promote health and well-being. When your body is balanced all areas of your life are positively affected.